It's about the dogs

At Into the Pack, troubled dogs find solace in safe socializing. Unlike dog parks, our trail-based approach allows for more natural and instinctual exploration, fostering genuine bonds among dogs. It all began with Meeko.

This about me section is where I'm supposed to talk about how I have always loved dogs since I was a child and list my qualifications to convince you I'm the right person to handle your dog.
A girl and her husky dog in the woods
A woman on the beach with two dogs, a husky and a friendly pitbull
But I'm not here to sell you, even though that may seem counterintuitive.

I started this business from the ground up simply because I wanted to help owners handle the issues with their dogs.

I didn't think about money, building clientele, or branding. I only thought about the solutions I could provide to improve the quality of life for dogs and their owners.

Because the life of our dogs is so short, the experiences they have are important.
In 2011, I quit my job and took a road trip with my 12-year-old husky mix, Meeko, across the country to Oregon. I decided to sell my Jeep and continue on foot, hiking and hitchhiking along the Pacific coast.
A woman and her husky dog sitting with mountains and the sea behind them
A happy looking husky dog laying down smiling with the ocean and mountains behind
Every day brought something new, and the thrill of having freedom with my best friend alongside me was an unforgettable experience. Meeko was my teacher, my protector, and my inspiration for continuing to work with dogs.
I want every dog that comes to us to have a rewarding experience and to feel the freedom and thrill of enjoying their time here - just as I did with Meeko all those years ago. His legacy will always steer me in the right direction and serve as a reminder of why I started this business. 
A woman smiling with her three dogs with the ocean behind them
So this isn’t about me. 
Or you, for that matter. 
It's about the dogs.
And it always will be.